Mr. Domenico Terenzio, Agronomist and Researcher, has worked for over 25 years on an international level on Humic substances.
Years of research has led to the development of two international patents “Glucohumates” WO 2004/110962 and “Humoalginates” WO 2010/013275. These patents are now owned by a third party industrial player and the fertilizers are present in the international market.
On June 27, 2014, Mr. Terenzio filed with Best Green Technologies Inc. his third international patent entitled “The Humofolates” PCT / US14 / 44.703, which has been described as the most innovative and environmentally sustainable method involving fertilizers and resistance inductors.
Best Green Technologies’ products are the result of long research and trial tests on various crops and in the most diverse pedoclimates.
Results on plants:
Improvement in terms of quality and quantity.
Strong increase in ripening of crops.
VITAMINS Increase in the vitamins and antioxidants in fruits and vegetables.
Chemical free products.
Strong development of the root system.
Improvement in the endogenous resistance against fungus and bacteria.